In 2023 the magazine is changing not only the title but also the content. Unfortunately, Airbrush The Magazine gave the impression that is what the entire magazine published. We are an ART MAGAZINE that covers airbrushing, but it is not the only content we publish. There will continue to be step-by-step articles, but the need for these with Youtube, etc. is different from the heyday of airbrushing.
As airbrush artists, we practice many different art styles, from drawing to Photoshop, traditional paint brushes, pinstriping brushes, etc. In the future, starting with issue 22, the magazine will be published under Pushing Pigment Magazine and feature more artist lifestyle content. Stories of how they started and the road they took to become successful artists. Articles and content that will inspire you and motivate you to be creative. In addition, the magazine will publish content covering all the different art forms, from airbrush to Kustom Kulture, fine art, and more.
We aim to attract new readers and subscribers from different art fields, not just airbrushing with the new title. To promote what we all love, we need to reach out to folks who do not presently use an airbrush. Changing the title of the magazine will allow us to do so.
There will be a website for Pushing Pigment Magazine and the Airbrush The Magazine websites. All subscriptions stay as they are. There will be no FB page for this as we transition to Twitter in 2023. There is a FB group page for this
We hope you will consider subscribing if you do not yet and offer you $5.00 off the subscription price of $49.95, making it just $45.00 for six issues. Use the discount code pigment45 to receive the discount.
Thank you for your continued support.