As we are a niche art magazine and finance publishing the magazine the old school bootstrap method, we can only afford to hire writers at a later point.

Only some artists make the cover of a printed art magazine these days, very few, actually. So we are always looking for killer content for our art magazine and put this offer out there to all artists.

Submit an interesting, killer artist lifestyle article or step-by-step article including artwork that makes incredible cover art, and here is the deal. We’ll send you a T-Shirt with the cover your artwork was featured on and make those T-Shirts available to your fans in our store.

Proceeds from selling our T-Shirts help us to continue to publish a print art magazine, and you get an awesome T-Shirt to celebrate being a published artist.

Yes, we are an Airbrush Magazine, but the content of each issue will reflect the fact as artists, we practice many different ways of creating our art beyond just airbrushing.


art magazine t-shirt